
本文從兩個方面探討新莊文化地景:一、新莊地區歷史地景發展分析;二、新莊地區在地居民都市意象認知的分析。在歷史地景發展的部份,本文依統治政權的不同分為明鄭前後時期、雍正乾隆時期、嘉慶年間至台灣建省時期、日治時期、戰後新莊鎮時期與新莊市時期等年代,並分析了制度與移民特性對於地景的影響。至於在地居民意象認知分析方面,本文發現多數民眾認為「捷運商圈」最足以代表新莊的特色;而無論是代表性、吸引力、保留價值、參訪價值而言,則以「大眾廟 」、「慈祐宮 」、「廣福宮」、「新莊夜市」與「輔仁大學」為首選。本文最後指出,在工業化與都市化消抹了地方獨特性,移動性替代了地方性的今天,若我們能把農田、港埠與老街等消失的地景視為「缺席者」,而把「大眾廟」、「慈祐宮」、「廣福宮」、「新莊夜市」與「輔仁大學」等受到民眾歡迎的地方作為「現身者」,創造閱讀新莊的新方式,或許新莊地景能對在地居民產生更豐富的文化意義。
This study looks at the cultural landscape in XinZhuang from two angles: 1. The historical
development of XinZhuang’s landscape; 2. The city image of XinZhuang from the local residents'
perspectives. This study finds that most residents identify with the image of XinZhuang being a business and residence district centering on the Metropolitan Rapid Transit station. Conversely, however, they conceive that the most representative images of this city are Dazhong Temple, Qiyou Temple, XinZhuang Night Market and Fu Jen University. Finally, this study suggests that in order to reshape local identity, XinZhuang residents might need to find new ways of reading this city, which conceives both vanished landscape and contemporary landscape as important elements in their daily life.
Keywords: Cultural Landscape, City Image, Urban History, XinZhuang